Monday, August 17, 2009

Where Did Summer Go?

It went to the Maynors and Ingmires at the Lake of the Ozarks;
to the Kofoed cousins in MO;
to the pool whenever we came back to TX;
to the Costley crowd in Utah for Lorin's baptism and Oquirrh temple open house and 4th of July celebration;
to the Kofoed clan in ID complete with 2 camping excursions, 3 family reunions, a doll party, staples in Ryans head and game playing til 4 a.m.;
and then back to Bear Lake with the Costleys!
and two 21 hour through-the-night drives to make it all possible.

Aunt Jenny and Baby Caleb were a summer hit!Ahhh, all shiny and new! (full story on Lorin's blog)A bunch of pyro's at play no doubt :)Yes, all Kofoed grandgirls loving their "French Culinary Doll Party"!!!Moments later found saying: "I think this pink kind of looks very pretty on me." (Ryan's blog has a few more details)Still Idaho...poor chicken went into the watering trough a few times before we caught her.
Kelli, Traci, and I trying to stay young like our cute neices and nephews.

I can't believe I forgot the camera at Bear Lake. Let me just tell you, Grandma C took us on some wild boat rides!


Alanya/Ally said...

That's awesome you guys had such a great time. I'm sorry Ryan had to get staples in her head... my brother just had the same thing. And, oh, I can't believe she will hold a live chicken. My sister and her hubby left one tied to our doorknob for April fools day. I freaked!!! She is already a brave little girl... And I love all the matching aprons/hats! So cute!

Julianne said...

Hot mama in your swimsuit! Fun to see pics of Jenny too. I haven't seen her in such a long time.

Debra said...

Oh, snap!!! I forgot Lorin's baptism!!! With all of Katelyn's illness and then Casey dying and then vacation, I COMPLETELY FORGOT!!! I am such a loser! So sorry!!!!!!!! I would have loved to see you!

Cassia said...

On the head wound - I believe Clancy did something similar when the Umphreys came to visit. Something about a bunch of children playing together (or rather the level of energy that comes from it) almost invites disasters, huh? :)

Faith Garff said...

seriously where has the summer gone? kerri it was so good to see you and your cute family for a little of the summer. your girls are so cute!

Carol and Tyler said...

so fun to see the pictures. can't believe the fun is over- let's do it again soon!!
