Taking cool baths is fun too! Nice positioning of the toothbrush, don't you think? FUNNY STORY TIME: So I loaded up the 3 girls' plates with mandarine oranges which they love. As Lorin, Izzy and I were turned taking care of the spaghetti on the stove, Ryan climbed up and ate all of them much to the other girls' dismay. When I questioned her about it her response was "It's okay, I'm on steroids!" Soaking up her surroundings like a sponge, my friends :)
Lorin started school--she has loved the first 2 days and thinks her teacher is the nicest in the whole school. The first day was like we were going to an amusement park. 900 kids each with two doting parents and maybe a sibling or two made for some excitement at the cross walk and getting into the school. Go Wildcats!! We live close enough for her to ride her bike and be there in about 2 minutes. We are loving where we live!
those pictures are great. I'm on steroids...so funny. It is crazy to think that you have kids in school. I still feel so sheltered!
How fun! So do the kids really help wash the car or is it more work?
Love ya and keep up the pictures So cute!
Great stories, Kerri! I am so glad you are having so much fun. How nice that school is so close! Thanks for keeping us all updated. :)
I am so glad you are enjoying your new home. Your girls are funny little girls!
(P.S. My boys have gone through the 'baby oranges' like that before. If Ryan's anything like my boys, she might regret that later...or you will!-p")
Have fun!
I love Ryan in the bucket. What a cute shot!
I love the pictures! I'll have to remember that steroids excuse! ;)
Love the pictures. Maybe it's my expecting mother instincts kicking in or maybe I'm just being an overly protective aunt, but I do have a couple of observations: don't those big buckets come with a warning that kids can drown in them? And what about a helmet for Lorin's bike ride to school? Do those observations answer your question about what kind of mom I'm going to be?:)
That picture of Ryan in the bucket is one of the cutest things I've ever seen!
You have a beautiful family.
Love the cute stories and pictures. I'm glad you guys are loving where you live. We miss you here in Michigan. There is a whole bunch of MBA students that just moved in to Woodbury Gardens. Too bad you guys weren't here another year, huh? Except all the newbies look so young! I'm getting old!
Growing up in Phoenix, we would wash the car every Saturday. Now, I'm beginning to wonder if we did it to keep cool, or have a clean car! :) Miss ya!
You guys look like you are having a blast! School started early for you too! Everybody looks great and I'm so glad that you're loving your new neighborhood. It's no Woodbury Gardens, but... :)
I'm glad you guys are liking Texas! It looks like you have a beautiful home and neighborhood.
Hahahaha! Love baby Ry. We miss you guys and hearing the funny stories first hand!
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