Taking cool baths is fun too! Nice positioning of the toothbrush, don't you think? FUNNY STORY TIME: So I loaded up the 3 girls' plates with mandarine oranges which they love. As Lorin, Izzy and I were turned taking care of the spaghetti on the stove, Ryan climbed up and ate all of them much to the other girls' dismay. When I questioned her about it her response was "It's okay, I'm on steroids!" Soaking up her surroundings like a sponge, my friends :)
Lorin started school--she has loved the first 2 days and thinks her teacher is the nicest in the whole school. The first day was like we were going to an amusement park. 900 kids each with two doting parents and maybe a sibling or two made for some excitement at the cross walk and getting into the school. Go Wildcats!! We live close enough for her to ride her bike and be there in about 2 minutes. We are loving where we live!