Tuesday, March 2, 2010

SNOW! pregnant.

This, historically (supposedly), has never happened here before...

1. 2 days off school and snow that stuck!!...

2. pink tooting (aka: fluffing, passing gas, cutting the cheese, the f#*% word (now, now)) goop stuck to our vaulted ceiling (don't be fooled by the smile)...

3. such enormity at the end of a 2nd trimester (some great lady from the 1st ward "hoped I was due any day for my sake").
Life is good with a mouth full of whipped cream :)(Check out Izzy's blog for a quick post-cancer update.)


Sara said...

Kerri, you look beautiful! :) Glad you guys got to enjoy the snow a little bit. And what in the world is the pink goop? Not that I should be asking... I have three boys who love to throw things.

Stephanie said...

People are so crazy when you are pregnant. You look adorable! I need your email to add you to my blog I went private. stephaniebrosc@hotmail.com

Elizabeth said...

Oh the pregnant belly, you look really cute! I miss you guys so much! Especially now because I am dealing with major attitude from Collin and you were the only one who could relate. Please help me!!! Does it get any better? I am starting to wonder. All I have to say is hooray for kindergarten next year. :)

Debra said...

Don't ya hate it when people make those kind of comments??? You look wonderful and I bet you weigh less than me!!! Love you!

Alanya/Ally said...

You look fabulous darling! Can I have your arms and legs? Also, I need a little more info on the pink stuff on your ceiling. Seriously, what is it? And how did it get there?

Julianne said...

Don't worry...every time I'm pregnant, I have at least 10 people tell me that I am the most pregnant woman they have ever seen. If 10 people are actually willing to say that, then how many others are thinking it!

Carol and Tyler said...

i nominate that for the cutest preggy shot of cleaning fart juicies EVER!!!

mamaroosh said...

Congrats!! You do not look like you should be due any day! Why is it that people say whatever comes to mind to a pregnant woman? It was fun to get an update on yoru family! Jerusha

Megan Maynor said...

Love the snow! Lorin looks so grown-up in that picture! She's changed a lot since we saw y'all last.

I think big bellies are the best. Remember when one of the other Ross Partners asked me how many babies I was having? Yep. That was awesome. I think big = happy healthy baby boy. Yeah!
